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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: willowman on June 03, 2008, 07:39

Title: Chickweed?
Post by: willowman on June 03, 2008, 07:39
Every time I clear an area of my veg plot and plant something I get hundreds of tiny weeds after about 2 weeks. They start with just 2 tiny leaves on a thin stem and there are hundreds of them. Is this chickweed? How does it seed itself so fast on bare soil? (The plot has been covered by black sheeting all winter) And is there any way of getting rid of it? I know at the back of my mind the only answer is good old fashioned hand weeding, but I hope somebody may have an easier solution (I am slowly learning there are no easy solutions in gardening!)
Title: Chickweed?
Post by: Aunt Sally on June 03, 2008, 08:36
This is chick weed and yes, chickens love it  :D

Annual weeds are not a problem, a sharp hoe makes quick work of getting rid of them.

Black polythene won't get rid of all your weed seeds.  Have you ever heard the old saying:

"One years seeds seven years weeds"

There lots more seedling IDs here:
Title: Chickweed?
Post by: willowman on June 04, 2008, 08:02
Thanks Aunt Sally. I've read the bit about chickweed, as it can be eaten in salads and made into soup perhaps I should abandon the veggies and just grow the chickweed?
Would certainly be less work!! (But a bit boring)
Title: Chickweed?
Post by: mashauk on June 08, 2008, 01:23
Does it taste nice though?