Now that does look good. I keep thinking of getting another starter going but really don’t eat enough bread in a week & I hated throwing it away
Mine lives in a jar in the fridge and only gets fed weekly. 1 cup (American cup measure) of new flour, 1 cup of existing starter and 1 cup water get whisked together and put back in the jar. The excess starter is left out for a day to wake up and it does only make 2 decent sized loaves. They freeze brilliantly. I have also discovered that if my plan to bake bread is interrupted, I can put the dough in the fridge for 24 hours and it will still be OK once retrieved and given time to recover.
I don’t make bread every week. I would love to, but work and other annoyances get in the way, so sometimes starter does go down the drain, but it is only a cup of flour a week. It irks me of course
The bread is so nice, I get over that with my next slice of toast