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Currently 20c in the garden and clear skies. No rain to speak of for 2 weeks now
Chatting on the Plot / Re: RIP ‘Wighty’
« Last post by Growster... on Yesterday at 19:51 »
Great Lady - we'll all miss her!
Chatting on the Plot / Re: Sadness
« Last post by Growster... on Yesterday at 19:50 »
Know what you feel, Mrs B.

Hugs from me too.
Grow Your Own / Re: What’s actually doing well for you so far?
« Last post by KalisDad on Yesterday at 19:46 »
Errmm, weeds?
Seriously, I couldn't really say that anything is actually doing well I've had a couple of trays of salad leaves and 1 of spring onions, need to sow some more soon.

Tomatoes in the g/house are very late this year, only a few are beginning to turn colour, I've grown 2 cucumber plants but only had a 3 fruit, between them. No flower buds yet on my peppers...
Runner beans are climbing well but no flowers yet... peas seem a bit slow to grow as well, although they were planted late.
The Tromba & Uchili Kuri squash on the trellis are growing huge leaves, but so far only 1 flower per plant.
It's just one of those years when I ask myself is it worth it?
My Tromba are doing ok, lots of small fruit but around 1 inch long, I had a courgette plant die on me for the first time ever! as with a previous post toms are struggling but cucs are doing well, got 2 to pick tomorrow, I've done 4 sowings for carrot early nantes and autumn king but will only harvest a few carrots, chillies are doing well on the window sill though and I'll save the seed for next year, everything else has either germinated and died and not germinated.
Its been a serious test this year but thankfully I love digging the hoe out and giving the plot a good going over. will persist until its impossible to grow anything though :)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What’s for tea? 2024
« Last post by mumofstig on Yesterday at 19:21 »
Fish in spicy breadcrumbs with salad bits and coleslaw.
 A beautiful day sun shine all the way  8)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What’s for tea? 2024
« Last post by MrsPea on Yesterday at 18:14 »
 Baked sea bass with a few chips and peas , no pud may be an ice cream later  :)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: WORDLE
« Last post by MrsPea on Yesterday at 18:13 »
 And again 3 was a lucky guess  :)
Grow Your Own / Re: Compost Review 2024
« Last post by Aunt Sally on Yesterday at 17:03 »
We’ve had good results from “Grow-Sure seed and cutting” compost, and “Westland John Innes No 1” for potting on.

It was worth paying a little extra for good results.

Chatting on the Plot / Re: Festive tree ad - NO!
« Last post by AndyRVTR on Yesterday at 15:19 »
  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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