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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: Lardman on July 12, 2011, 20:19

Title: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Lardman on July 12, 2011, 20:19
Gone over but still green. Id normally lift them around now when they're lose in the soil, so I can get the leeks in. But the old bloke next door thinks I should leave them until September,  :ohmy:  I swear he has me questioning if grass is green and water is wet lately.  :(

I don't have lots so if its just allowing them to ripen to increase storing ability - I don't expect them to last that long.
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Yorkie on July 12, 2011, 21:07
I thought you left them, and onions, in situ until the foliage was dry.
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Missy1970 on July 12, 2011, 21:16
I lifted mine too early last year so this year I waited until my neighbour gave me the green light :D - so I ended up lifting mine today  some had gone over although some were still green because a couple I lifted had started to rot on the bottom he told me to lift them all even the ones that were still green in case it spread (they weren't totally green they had started to die off)

Not sure this helps
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Lady Rosemary on July 12, 2011, 21:44
We pulled a row of ours about two weeks ago and left them in the polytunnel to dry off.  Pulled up the remainder (three more rows) at the weekend and they are now drying off in the tunnel .... a massive crop that will see us right through the winter months!  Some of them were big suckers too!  8) :D
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: oldcow on July 13, 2011, 08:30
Sorry if it's a stupid question, but I'm growing shallots for the first time, what does it mean for shallots to "go over" and how do I tell? I planted mine last autumn, they've grown very vigorously and while they're not as green and lush as before, there's still plenty of green leaves. I thought I had to wait until completely dry, but now I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing...
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: JayG on July 13, 2011, 09:11
The foliage starts to die off and fall over near the bulbs; once that happens and it is more dead than alive you won't get any more bulb growth so can lift them (some people ease them out of the soil and leave them for a few days before drying but I don't think that's necessary, but really thorough drying is essential if you want them to keep well.)
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: arugula on July 13, 2011, 09:20
We pulled ours 10 days ago, foliage getting paler and going over and the bulbs had started pushing up making it easy to see they were developed fully. We have dried them for a week too.

Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: JayG on July 13, 2011, 09:26
We pulled ours 10 days ago, foliage getting paler and going over and the bulbs had started pushing up making it easy to see they were developed fully. We have dried them for a week too.

Mine aren't ready yet and are distinctly "average" this year; think it must be the earlier drought because yours have apparently thrived in all the rain you've had this year!

Quite an interesting observation for a crop which is probably one of the last things people get round to watering?  :unsure:
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Lardman on July 13, 2011, 09:36
The foliage starts to die off and fall over near the bulbs; once that happens and it is more dead than alive you won't get any more bulb growth so can lift them .

Thats always been my interpretation too, my old man used to say give a bulb a bit of a tug if it comes up lift the lot.

Mine are very average this year too despite watering them. Although I did buy cheap bulbs from the W place when they were on special offer, and it was a bit late when I put them in.
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: arugula on July 13, 2011, 09:38
Quite an interesting observation for a crop which is probably one of the last things people get round to watering?  :unsure:

They went in the same February (?) day as the red onions and spring garlic. The spring garlic is now almost overtaking the autumn planted garlic with which I am losing patience and pulling as and when I need the odd bulb, as according the the greenery, it isn't ready yet!
Title: Re: Shallots - Harvest or not?
Post by: Lardman on July 13, 2011, 10:16
Actually it looks like I was a little unfair to them.

Bit of a mixed bag, a few lost to leaf miner and a few that could have done with a week or so more. Filled a large tub trug from a 4x4ft square.