Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Chatting => Frugal Living => Topic started by: mumofstig on January 17, 2020, 13:26

Title: Hotter shoes on offer
Post by: mumofstig on January 17, 2020, 13:26
I know it's not gardening, BUT....
I love Hotter shoes for fit and comfort, and they have a sale on[Exact]&sv_tax4=hotter%20shoes%20sale&sv_campaign_id=1675086425&gclid=Cj0KCQiA04XxBRD5ARIsAGFygj_ulPfjrrXX0L_BsayjX1OBXvcJ0TX4P-UlKdOHav2oDIMZ2iiertUaAqqKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#esp_hitsperpage=48

plus an extra 20% of using HTRP20 :)

Sorry for the horrendous link, but it wouldn't work when I tried to shorten it  :tongue2:
Title: Re: Hotter shoes on offer
Post by: Growster... on January 17, 2020, 21:16
And there's me, wanting some comfy working (nurses/doctors) clogs to wear around 'The Turrets', washing and ironing a pair of 'wading clogs' bought from Harper and Eede a couple of years ago, and still feeling smug as they cost about £6.00!

Go for it, Mum, you'll look great in them!

Title: Re: Hotter shoes on offer
Post by: Kleftiwallah on January 17, 2020, 22:40
As a diabetic, there was I thinking At Last!  a preventative measure for my constantly cold toes, not my feet, just my toes!

Cheers,  Tony