Mesh Nets to keep off birds .. is this pipe suitable

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I want to erect a short netted tunnel so I can grow some cabbages, without losing them to the birds.

It seems many folk use those blue pipes which they buy in rolls, which is probably Ok if you need several tunnels, but i mainly grow things that the birds don't like, so only need one short length

Would this work ..

i would only need 3 or 4 lengths



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Re: Mesh Nets to keep off birds .. is this pipe suitable
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2023, 20:00 »
How flexible is that pipe? You'll need longer lengths if it needs to be bent at 90 degree angles rather than in a semi circular shape.

Not sure whether a cane will be too small to fit into the pipe snugly - it might be OK but might fall out. (You often put a cane into each end of the pipe, and put the cane into the ground).

Don't forget you may need to brace a series of 'hoops' so they remain rigid along the length of the bed.

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days all attack me at once...

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