Antwik - I hope someone has rang the Sentinel and they're send a reporter along. Councils don't like bad press (not that you'd guess it from the way Stoke's behaves!)
........ Just to add to what John's saying, get in touch with your MP and any prospective MP's in your area. This is a good time to be asking for political help, what with an election looming and all.
Coincidentally, as I was typing this, I just had a phone call from Chris Ruane's (Mp Vale of Clwyd) office, asking how they might help us in getting our own allotments up and running.
I was explaining that we need to get our change-of-use application through the planning office as quickly as possible before our friendly local farmer, who has offered to plough and cultivate the land for us, becomes fully committed on his own farm.
They have promised to contact the planning dept on our behalf asking them to expedite our application as quickly as possible.....
Use them. It's what they are there for.
You can contact all your local and national politicians through
www.theyworkforyou.comDon't be shy about asking for their help.
And good luck with it all.