Water Charges Threat to Allotments

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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #90 on: May 23, 2009, 12:31 »
Thanks for that Yorkie 1, I'm probably better off being able to have an input without being curtailed in any way as I would be if it's agreed on.
Most of the plotholders in my part of the site are dead against it, the way things work at the moment are OK, if it's not broken don't fix it comes to mind.

I'm pretty sure the council are trying to get rid of their responsibilities as you said, I'll let you know what's  happened after the next meeting. Iv'e checked with the coucil's Legal Department and they say it's OK for me to attend.

Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #91 on: May 23, 2009, 12:57 »
Scotland's water isn't privatised yet, so it doesn't apply to us.

I looked into allotments recently.  We don't have any at all where I live, but we do have an allotment association.  The council is looking into finding areas for us.  We have an allotment association who will run the allotments (this is a good thing NOW because without them the council wouldn't bother looking for the land to give us). 

But you have to join the allotment association and pay the membership fee to get your name on the waiting list.  There are 74 names on the waiting list, and the council has said the first sight will only have 30 allotments, as a trial.

I am reluctant to part with my £12 as it appears to be non-refundable.



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #92 on: June 08, 2009, 18:35 »
Well I see there are over 800 signatures now on the petition against these charges. 

I've been to Utd Utilities website again recently and now learn that these site area charges for rainfall have been suspended for:

places of worship
scouts and guides
community amateur sports clubs (subject to Inland Revenue confirmation that they are - or do qualify to be - CASCs.  An application form needs to be completed for CASCs.

Having said that the charges are only suspended temporarily, whilst UU are thinking up a new strategy to deal with these groups.  As it is, the suspension comes into force from April 1st 2009, whereby all these groups will revert to charges based on Rateable Value as they did before Site Area Charges were introduced.  Punishingly however, all monies owed for 2008/9 (site area based) still have to be paid - there is to be no refund for what is obviously an unfair (proven as they have been forced to re-think) scheme.

However, no such suspension of charges for allotments despite the growing petition.  It's very sad.

There is a number to ring on the UU website for queries about Site Area charging.  It is 0800 074 0171.  I rung it this morning to enquire and first had to give our account number, my name, direct line phone number, my position in the 'business' (as she termed it).  Finally I got around to asking if there were any plans to suspend the charges for allotments.  Basically 'NO' and then.............. have we thought about setting up a Direct debit?    >:(

Anyway further research on the website also reveals the following:

Band 3 - 2008/9 - £272 for Highway Drainage; 2009/10 - now £290

Band 5 - 2008/9 - £1290 for HD; 2009/10 - now £1378

Band 6 - 2008/9 - £2867 for HD; 2009/10 - now £3062

Band 11 - 2008/9 - £35,843 for HD; 2009/10 - now £38,280

These are examples of some of the bands, but all band areas have risen, as I knew they would.  And next year they will rise again, and again, and again and so forth.

What more can we do?



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #93 on: June 08, 2009, 21:41 »
Okay   sudden idea

Set up a charitable trust to manage the plots
Might get exemption. :blink:
My Blog (updated 18/7/09)


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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #94 on: July 21, 2009, 14:53 »
Well, after ploughing my way through this thread, all I can say is,
Thanks for small mercies!


Paul Plots

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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #95 on: July 22, 2009, 01:12 »
Scotland's water isn't privatised yet, so it doesn't apply to us.

I looked into allotments recently.  We don't have any at all where I live, but we do have an allotment association.  The council is looking into finding areas for us.  We have an allotment association who will run the allotments (this is a good thing NOW because without them the council wouldn't bother looking for the land to give us). 

But you have to join the allotment association and pay the membership fee to get your name on the waiting list.  There are 74 names on the waiting list, and the council has said the first sight will only have 30 allotments, as a trial.

I am reluctant to part with my £12 as it appears to be non-refundable.

I'd ask for more details and about what happens to the £12.... and I think I'd pay up for a chance to get a plot... once you've had a plot £12 would be a relatively small price to get another one... even if there's a risk involved.
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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #96 on: September 09, 2009, 15:43 »
Having been advised by "No. 10" of the result today of the petition, which doesn't even mention allotments despite that being one of the main reasons for the petition, I have lost faith especially as I started to read the report (200+ pages) only to find that on the contents page it shows:-

"Properties were metering is not feasible Page 87". 

How much faith can we have in the rest of the report if the individual, who the Government, i.e. us, will have paid vast sums of money to (+ expenses!) if she doesn't know the difference between "were and where"?  :tongue2: :mad: :( >:(



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #97 on: September 09, 2009, 16:01 »
 :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2: So the report asks you to send any enquiries to:-


and what happens when you send an email, it bounces back as failed!!!  Now sent an email direct to Defra who have a target of replying to all emails within 15 working days!



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #98 on: September 09, 2009, 16:11 »
Have pity on the poor author!  Typos happen - particularly at the incredible speed these things are written (usually by some junior/middling grade person burning the midnight oil) once the policy and approach has been (slowly) decided by their seniors and betters.  Then the number of people who 'comment' and 'review', means the poor report gets hacked all over the place before it goes to the Minister to eventually approve it.   Sometimes it is a miracle that the grammar ever hangs together or the sentances are in any sort of logical order.

Yes - I have been one of those people, and no doubt will be again!  This one wasn't me, though!  <Goes back under stone   :( >
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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #99 on: September 09, 2009, 16:32 »

As clear as mud regarding allotments  >:(



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #100 on: September 09, 2009, 16:38 »
Sorry to sound ignorant, but does everone have a water meter in UK, or does it still work on the rates?



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #101 on: September 09, 2009, 16:49 »
Not everyone has a water meter however the issue here is that the water companies want to charge people for the rainwater that lands on their land as it runs off into streams/rivers (unless we use it on allotments to water our plants) and the water companies have to purify the water before selling it back to us!



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2009, 16:55 »
Yes I get their reasoning: its because a plot of beans and lettuce will really pollute the water, unlike a factory, or the roads, or ........

Will they slap a charge on the agricultural land as well ?  That would be very costly


Paul Plots

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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #103 on: September 09, 2009, 20:31 »

As clear as mud regarding allotments  >:(

I've just searched through Anna Walker's 204 page interim report and "allotments" are not mentioned anywhere.

Using "surface" for a keyword search I am also unable to find any reference to recommendations that look to me as if there will be any changes in charging policy for surface area drainage where there is currently no drainage into the sewage system.

My Allotment Holders Association has no surface water or foul water drainage at all so is unconnected to mains sewage pipes.

As far as I am aware our water supply is not metered.

This topic does not seem to be one that has either alarmed or concerned my local Allotment Holders Association committee.... we're not a rich organisation so we presumably believe there will be no changes to the way charging takes place in the immediate future.

What does everyone else make of the report?



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Re: Water Charges Threat to Allotments
« Reply #104 on: September 09, 2009, 21:01 »
But the response from Downing Street says:-

"Ofwat advocated a move towards site area-based charging for non-household customers, so that each customer pays a fair share for the load imposed on the drainage system.  Many water companies are now moving towards surface water drainage charging based on site area.

It is for individual companies to set their own charging schemes and for Ofwat as the independent economic regulator to approve them.

The Government supports site area charging for surface water drainage in principle."

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