Pig and Poultry Fair 2014

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Pig and Poultry Fair 2014
« on: April 11, 2014, 07:34 »
This event happens every two years and whilst it's not aimed at the backyard keepers it is a good source of information (and freebies  :lol:). It is a chance to find out how the big boys do it and also I feel that if enough small scale keepers talk to the exhibitors they may see the potential of producing their items in smaller quantities.
This years event is on Tuesday (9am to 5pm) and Wednesday (9am - 4pm) 13th and 14th May and has free entry and parking. Stoneleigh Park, Warwichshire, CV8 2LG.
You can get a fast track entry by registering on www.pigandpoultry.org.uk

I will be going but as yet not sure what day, anybody else fancy going?
 Please dont go expecting to see lots of pigs and poultry because you wont, this is full of suppliers so you get to see what stuff is available out there.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 09:17 by joyfull »
Staffies are softer than you think.

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