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Poultry and Pets => Chicken Chat => Topic started by: malduncan on August 05, 2014, 12:24

Title: cockrel problem
Post by: malduncan on August 05, 2014, 12:24
My last cock was found by Mr fox but I had a broody hen who hatched 2 eggs, one died the other turned out to be a cock? my hens were rescue hens they were all friendly would feed from my hand but now the new cock has taken over he attacks me when I go to feed them? the hens keep away from me also. I am down to 2 normal hens and 1 bantam, he mounts them all no problem mother as well, but I have had very little eggs from them since he got so big? its like they are scared of him, could this stop them laying? or do I need to get some more hens? to give him more to do? all advice would be grateful.
Title: Re: cockrel problem
Post by: New shoot on August 05, 2014, 15:03
Hi Malduncan and welcome to the site  :)

I have 2 bantam cockerels with separate runs and groups of girls.  Mine are very friendly, but having an aggressive bird can be difficult.  If he sees you as the enemy, the hens will keep their distance, as he will discipline them if they get too close to you. 

The usual advice in these circumstances is to cull the bird. It is a hard decision to make, but if he's causing so much trouble, you should have a good think about whether you do want him around.  More hens are not likely to tame him and if he is known to be aggressive, re-homing isn't really an option.

The lack of eggs could be due to your rescue hens getting older.  Hens are replaced in a commercial egg production system as soon as their egg laying starts to tail off.   The bantam will be a more seasonal layer anyway, peaking in spring.   Hens usually moult over summer as well and that stops them laying.

Hope this helps a bit  :)
Title: Re: cockrel problem
Post by: malduncan on August 05, 2014, 19:45
Thanks for the advice, I guess I knew what you say is the best way to go, but if there was an answer to help I would do it, I don't like the...  idea after watching it grow from a ball of fluff I said the one that died was probably a hen? typical.. thanks again