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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: Bubbles on August 25, 2010, 00:16

Title: is tea tree oil safe to use on chickens?
Post by: Bubbles on August 25, 2010, 00:16
I think one of my hens has the start of bumblefoot (read Aunt Sally's very useful page on the subject). Would tea tree oil be safe to use on the sore? this is the only antiseptic I eve use for the family but I am worried it is too strong for a little bird. I am thinking it may be best for her to roost in the nest box for a few nights - this is where she would always stay if she had her own way - I have always had to put her on the perch at night (for the past 18 months!). Thanks
Title: Re: is tea tree oil safe to use on chickens?
Post by: darkbrowneggs on August 25, 2010, 01:00
I know Teatree, and in fact any essential oil should be used with care, and with a good knowledge of its properties. 

Bumblefoot is often caused by too high perches, or too fat birds, or a combination, but apparently it is the result of an infection set up by a small injury, sometimes exacerbated when dirt gains entry to the wound. 

Although this is not specifically concerned with chickens it is an interesting and useful link

Hope she is better soon
Title: Re: is tea tree oil safe to use on chickens?
Post by: Bubbles on August 25, 2010, 09:08
Thank you for that link, Sue. I will try the suggestion that pile cream can be used as a treatment (in  the chemist, 'its not for me its for my chicken') :)