Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: Snoop on May 19, 2010, 11:26

Title: Sowing shallot seeds using DD's litter tray method for leeks
Post by: Snoop on May 19, 2010, 11:26
It's a bit late to start shallot seeds for this year, but I'm pondering on next year already. Weeding my existing bed of shallots has made me wonder whether in future years I might not try DD's litter tray method for shallot seeds or indeed any other onion seeds.

I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work, and it would mean I could catch any spring-germinating weed seeds before the shallots go in. Does anyone have any views?

Just in case you're wondering about the number of litter trays I might need, we're about to get our roof fixed, freeing up an awful lot of washing up bowls currently in use to catch drips!
Title: Re: Sowing shallot seeds using DD's litter tray method for leeks
Post by: DD. on May 19, 2010, 11:29
I see no reason either!
Title: Re: Sowing shallot seeds using DD's litter tray method for leeks
Post by: Snoop on May 19, 2010, 12:35
Thanks DD. Just the advice I was hoping to hear. I might even give up on one lot of de Paris pickling onions and start another lot off in a washing-up bowl now.