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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: freddiesmiles on November 13, 2009, 17:57

Title: Hen's sudden death
Post by: freddiesmiles on November 13, 2009, 17:57
Yesturday, I lost one of my girls, and I am worried about the others.
She was a rescue hen, but not a ex-bat, she was a free range rescue. We got her in April this year with another hen called Heidi.
Heidi had a difficult year, she was ill a week after we got her and we thought we'd lose her, but she pulled through after being prescribed Baytril. In the summer, she got attacked by our dog but she pulled through that as well.
The other one, called Raquel, always seemed healthy and layed well (sometimes I thought too well as she was laying right up to her death, and hadn't stopped to moult).
They are kept with two other hens, a cream legbar called Margie and a Brahma called Brenda. They all looked to be doing well, and I was only commenting yesturday morning about how well they looked.
Yesturday afternoon, I noticed Raquel sitting on the grass (they are kept in a run, but free range in the garden when we are about). When I went over to her, she didn't move. If I stood her up, she would stand for a while but didn't walk about. I put her in a dog cage (which doubles as our sick bay and broody cage) and brought her inside, but she was dead a few hours later.
They were all wormed with Flubenvet a couple of weeks ago.
Any ideas about this? Should I be worried about the others? They seem alright today.
Title: Re: Hen's sudden death
Post by: Aunt Sally on November 13, 2009, 18:01
It happens freddiesmiles, and there are quite a few things that can cause a sudden death like that.  As long as your other hens seem fit and well I would not worry about it !
Title: Re: Hen's sudden death
Post by: joyfull on November 13, 2009, 19:43
Sorry to hear this freddiesmiles. As aunty said it can sometimes just happen for no reason, just keep an eye on your other one but hopefully she will be ok. Hugs from here.
Title: Re: Hen's sudden death
Post by: Alby on November 13, 2009, 19:55
so sorry freddy,  I lost 3 of my 5 rescues over a long period of time, no particular sympoms or reasons , but , the other 2 are the picture of health  :D apart from one coming into moult and being quite nickerless  :ohmy: 

  We all do our best and the girls all love it, just keep an eye on the others but prob they will be fine
Title: Re: Hen's sudden death
Post by: freddiesmiles on November 14, 2009, 12:15
I wonder, now, if it could be something like a calcium deficiency, caused by all that laying. They would have been laying all the time they were at the farm, and Raquel didn't stop right throughout the summer. She was a good layer, and laid big eggs. I expected her to stop when the others did in Autum, but she didn't. I'm sure it can't be good for them not having a rest from it.
At least she had a good summer. She loved roaming around our garden, and looked very happy. Even so, I miss her.
Title: Re: Hen's sudden death
Post by: Alby on November 14, 2009, 15:12
one of my Bats is still laying as are my POLs, if you are giving them the right food ( which Im sure you are ) you,ve nothing to blame yourself for.