Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: Le Coq on October 07, 2006, 09:55

Title: Moles
Post by: Le Coq on October 07, 2006, 09:55
Hi everyone,
Please see my last topic Bonjour.
I would have put this on the allotment page but it is locked
My land has just been set to hay, after a week the seed has germinated but the land is starting to look like an inverted relief map of The Somme.
The moles here must be massive. How can I trap the little blighters?
Title: Moles
Post by: John on October 07, 2006, 19:45
There's some stuff on the allotment shop at Pest Control ( scroll to the bottom of the page that may help you, I got some for my Norwegian pal (and some deer stuff) and he's very happy with the results.

I don't think they deliver to France but you could email and ask them - they not a huge monolithic operation. Or have them deliver to someone here who you will see soon.

Hope that helps