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After leaving them idle since 2022 I think it may be time to hack the brambles off at least the lower greenhouse and see what's going on in there and perhaps have a bit of a clean up and out.  Anyone want to give me a hand?
We have some weak hazy sunshine this morning, which is such a nice change. Still feels bitterly cold though, -1c and a heavy frost first thing and only 3c so far. 
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by Lardman on Today at 09:58 »
Mince,  mash and mixed veg last night and same again tonight. I don't know why I bought turkey mince - it's both tasteless and unpleasant at the same time. It was probably on offer  :nowink:

Dry, still, light cloud and 7ºC already. Improving  :)
Brilliant sunshine here, this morning but 0C Brrr!!!....Fred went straight back to bed!!!
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by mumofstig on Yesterday at 21:20 »
Leek & potato soup and a ham sandwich for me  :D
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by New shoot on Yesterday at 21:17 »
Grilled mackerel fillets, hm sourdough flatbreads, a shredded cabbage salad with lemon juice and olive oil and one with beetroot and tomato.
Grow Your Own / Re: Pair plum and Apple
« Last post by Yorkie on Yesterday at 18:06 »
Just checking - what's the exact name of what you've got?  :)

And is it a powder / granulated format?
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by MrsPea on Yesterday at 14:16 »
 Spicy sausages and mash tonight  :)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by MrsPea on Yesterday at 14:15 »
 Lovely and sunny here but bitterly cold, just been for our walk to see the Snow drops at High Down garden  :D
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