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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: freebirdy on September 15, 2011, 09:33

Title: Sycamore seeds???
Post by: freebirdy on September 15, 2011, 09:33
 :wacko: anyone have any idea if sycamore seeds are poisonous to chooks??? My neighbour has a huge syc tree in her garden and it's that time of year again! Raining seeds everywhere!! My girls free range and it's my first autumn of chook keeping so it wasn't until yesterday when doing the daily poo-pick and tidy up around my garden that this question even entered my head!!
Title: Re: Sycamore seeds???
Post by: viettaclark on September 16, 2011, 00:49
They won't even try to eat them. Our garden is filled with them every year and the chooks ignore them.
I wish they did eat them. It would save the many, many hours spent pulling up seedlings!
Title: Re: Sycamore seeds???
Post by: freebirdy on September 16, 2011, 08:48
cheers for the reply! Phew on the not eating them as I still have no clue if they are poisonous to chooks, couldn't even find answer on the net! Ha - technology failed me! And I know the feeling of going round every spring pulling out hundreds of little seedling! They get everywhere! Fingers crossed the tree is coming down soon! Hurrah! No more pollen everywhere in spring, seedling pulling and bags of leaves in the autumn!