Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Chatting => Chatting on the Plot => Topic started by: GraciesGran on November 29, 2020, 13:46

Title: Covid test
Post by: GraciesGran on November 29, 2020, 13:46
Talking to a friend this morning.  She has all the symptoms of covid so phoned to sort out a test.  Her nearest testing centre is about 10 miles away.  When she explained she is a widow and no longer drives she was advised to get the bus!  She queried whether this was advisable areas told it would be alright as they do not have the facility to post it to her.

Needless to say she's staying indoors.
Title: Re: Covid test
Post by: Aunt Sally on November 29, 2020, 13:56
Title: Re: Covid test
Post by: mrs bouquet on November 29, 2020, 13:59
Oh, that is really bad.   I think my neighbour, who is a bus driver, would be fairly angry about that. I hope your friend is feeling better.    Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: Covid test
Post by: GraciesGran on November 29, 2020, 14:25
She's fine, her neighbours are leaving shopping on the doorstep.  She's walking round the garden for exercise and by her own admission watching lots of tv.
Title: Re: Covid test
Post by: New shoot on November 29, 2020, 16:38
I think the best bet is stay put tbh. 

A test will confirm things, but if you have any of the symptoms, the advice is to isolate.  So long as your friend is well enough to deal with it at home and is being looked after as regards supplies, she is way better off there.

I can’t see the logic in telling her to get on a bus to possibly infect others, just to add to the stats  :wacko: