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Eating and Drinking => Cooking, Storing and Preserving => Topic started by: nitiram on August 20, 2006, 05:50

Title: ornamental gourds?
Post by: nitiram on August 20, 2006, 05:50
Can any one remember how to dry ornamental gourds? I bought these seeds because they are something my mum used to grow when i was a child, she then dried them (how?) and then varnished them. They sat in a bowl on the side board till the next year.   I have rather a lot of them from four plants...a real trip down memory lane.
Title: ornamental gourds?
Post by: hayles62 on August 20, 2006, 10:57
I love them and just  leave them to dry naturaly then a couple of coats of yaught varnish but they only last up to a year but I ust found this link, I'm going to try some other methods to see if they last longer but will always grow them as they are facinating. :D
Title: What are they!
Post by: Oliver on August 20, 2006, 15:58
She bought some seed at a Horicultural show last year.They have produced 7 plants 3 the same and 4 others. Can anyone post some pictures of some gourds, with names? The fruits are all quite small at the moment but some very interesting shapes!
Title: Well I had two plants and not ...
Post by: wellingtons on August 21, 2006, 18:44
... a gourd in sight!