Subvers, why not book a flight to Headcorn Aerodrome where we got our jabs, you'll fly over West Malling, where many of your compatriots used to work,then land safely on the grass, get a jab, then give me a call, and we can have a pint or three of fabulous 'Shepherd Neame Spitfire' ale before you have to go back!
Now that really would be a great visit!
Any more Kentish ladies and blokes OK for this?
Brilliant idea! . . . Except I'm already fully vaccinated
Here is the real problem with Georgia's 30%. The USA, and all 50 states plus territories, has had an ample supply of vaccine for months now. We are even making vaccine available to 12-year olds and up in many states.
However, a sizeable part of the population has been convinced to believe the virus is a hoax, or not dangerous/responsible for 500,000+ deaths. Alternatively they have been convinced the vaccine is worse because Bill Gates will inject a microchip into you, or it will make you become autistic, or gay, or is a means to experiment on you (or fill in the blank with other nonsense). This is more prevalent in some of our southern, or western, or midwestern states (these false beliefs are less common in west coast, east coast, or large metropolitan areas).
When vaccine became widely available to states, the governor of Georgia initially decided to send most of the vaccine to rural areas (the regions that elected him; also places that strongly hold the above beliefs and don't want the vaccine). Less vaccine was made available in areas that did NOT vote for him, like Atlanta (forcing people that wanted the vaccine to travel an hour or two to a rural place where vaccine was available; that was me!!).
Under pressure, the availability and distribution issues in Georgia have improved, but we are far behind other states, on average.