Bit of a bad head due to the brown liquid!
As we have been clapping the NHS it has brought together our 1/4 of the street. It was suggested last Thursday night that why dont we have a street party? Everyone stays in their front garden, everyone agreed and so come 2pm yesterday we all came out and had a really good time chatting and laughing (a little bit of drinking), we had the bbqs on in the back, it was propper old time community spirit. Police car came down and they got out and appluaded us and congratulted us in being responsible and having the community spirit for old and young.
The faces on dog walkers and others walking down was funny, you could hear them as they went past "they wouldnt do this on ours".
We of course wished everyone that did go past a Happy Easter.
A good day was had and we as neighbours are closer than before.