A couple of months ago I bought a Unibond Aero 360, it came with 2 spare things to fit into the gadget.
I cannot get the top from the bottom. The water collection inside is blue and sludgy. The first block ran out after a week or so, as did the second, they just totally disintegrate sitting on the spindle, and then drop into the reservoir, then I cannot open it. It is an ugly looking thing as well.
I know the area is not damp as I have always had a tray with crystals there, to collect window condensation when cooking.
Firstly, Robert Dyas, from whom I purchased it, asked for a review. However, they didn't like it, and so it was not shown.
Second, I went to Unibond site, and carried out the same review there. They didn't like it either, so it was not shown there either.
I suppose, as I suspected, that bad reviews are seldom shown - buyer beware
Mrs Bouquet