Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Chatting => Frugal Living => Topic started by: Beetroot queen on April 27, 2013, 20:41

Title: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Beetroot queen on April 27, 2013, 20:41
We all like getting a bargain but sometimes are houses have things from it's day to day use that can be used really well. I thought it would be heat to share any ideas.

We do the obvious potatoes in black bins, for the children more than anything as it's nice to see them looking each day at the plants progress. The black bins are left over from the days before wheelie bins.

Loo rolls, I chop mine in half to make pots for seedlings, I know some people have problems with mould on the cardboard and this seems to be so with the posher loo roll tubes but switch to farm foods loo rolls and no such problems. Also chop kitchen rolls into four

I sometimes use yoghurt style pots for seeds too. Just stab a hole in the bottom for drainage.

I use margarine pots for growing cress.

We use all our scraps for homemade compost, obvious but money saving.

I have used large pop bottles for homemade watering devices in the tunnel.

Now I have a blank mind, I had so many to list and running up and down the stairs to a sick toddler has given me brain mould.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on April 27, 2013, 21:43
cd's as bird scarers
net curtains as nets
knives for weeding tools
lolly sticks for labels
old paint tins for storing small tools
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: agapanthus on April 27, 2013, 22:57
My ex used to bring home all the used plastic water cups from the office.....I didn't have to buy small pots for years! They only last a couple of seasons but well worth it. I now buy them for 99p for 50 at Morrisons :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: JaK on April 27, 2013, 23:13
We recently cut up an old plastic venetian blind to make plant labels. It made loads!  :lol:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: agapanthus on April 27, 2013, 23:45
We recently cut up an old plastic venetian blind to make plant labels. It made loads!  :lol:

That's a good idea....labels are really expensive!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: GrannieAnnie on April 27, 2013, 23:52
I make my labels from cut up plastic milk containers and margarine tub lids. I always get spare lids as Brian nicks the tubs for mixing up paint, filler, small amounts of cement etc.

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: grendel on April 28, 2013, 00:02
I use a teaspoon for getting plugs out of the trays and potting up. sharpies make good dibbers for propogators.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Auntiemogs on April 28, 2013, 03:03
Supermarket meat and readymeal trays ( ::)) are great for radishes and lettuce.  I always try to think if something may be useful before I recycle or throw it out.  :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Beetroot queen on April 28, 2013, 07:17
Brilliant I needed some plant labels.  :lol:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: grendel on April 28, 2013, 08:15
the trays mushrooms come in are good for about 6 small pots to stand on the windowsill to keep the water in.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: plum crumble on April 28, 2013, 08:29
I store the mushroom trays and in the summer use them to harvest all the freebie berries which grow in abundance round here. Also use them when harvesting my PSB - you can get a surprising amount of florets in one of them!!
I use old ice-cream containers to decant paint into,so I don't have to carry a large can around.

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: compostqueen on April 28, 2013, 09:58
The plastic mushroom pots last forever too  :lol:

A certain brand of fresh Yorkshire puds come in a clear plastic box which is a perfect little propagator.

Wooden slatted blinds are the business. My mate has a load of these and every year they get cleaned and repainted with emulsion ready for the year's labels. These get pushed into the end of the row, vertically, and look very smart. He's rounded the tips off with some sandpaper  :) 
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: grendel on April 28, 2013, 11:56
Ah we use plastic takeaway containers with lids for soft fruit, they hold at most 2 layers of fruit, then the lid goes on, you can then stack them for transport / fridge and the fruit doesnt get squashed.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Beetroot queen on April 28, 2013, 12:34
Ah we use plastic takeaway containers with lids for soft fruit, they hold at most 2 layers of fruit, then the lid goes on, you can then stack them for transport / fridge and the fruit doesnt get squashed.

I froze aloes in these last year. I forgot that. They stack really well.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Trillium on April 28, 2013, 21:00
I've used the very large clear rectangular salad containers for potting seeds. Just drill a few drainage holes in the bottom and place in trays. Same with mushroom trays and plastic ice cream containers. And I go to thrift shops for metal blinds that I pick up for about a pound. Makes loads of labels.

Wooden fruit crates from the grocery shops are great for storing things like dahlia tubers, onions, etc for winter. Their slats allow air movement and they stack.

Also at the thrift shops, I get waste bins (that aren't too filthy) cheap, wash them out and use them to store potting mix, fertilizers, garden tools, etc. Our garage floor always gets wet through winter and the bins keep things dry. Ones for soil and fertilizers have lids.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Taff the Welder on May 06, 2013, 16:47
IF you can find an old empty wine bottle, tear an old newspaper into strips, soak and wrap around the base of the bottle.  Squeeze off as much water as possible, easy the papier-mâch off the bottle and let it dry – bio degradable 3” pots.
Use an aerosol can for 1.1/2” tubes. 
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: BussinSpain on May 06, 2013, 17:13
I use empty 5 ltr wine containers or water containers to make mini greenhouses.  Lay the bottle on it's side, cut off the top-side leaving the "neck" attached, attach a couple of clothes pegs to the sides and just pop the lid (the bit you have just cut off) back on.  Ideal for so many seeds.  Egg boxes - the cardboard ones with the plastic top can be used for station sowing small seeds before cutting the sections out and planting the whole thing.  Ideal for lettuces, beetroot, etc.,
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: sunshineband on May 06, 2013, 19:12
I have two middle sized plastic dustbins with clip on lids that I got in a charity shop for pence. They live in the garage and one has rice in it, one has our bags of flour in it. Mouse proof too and keeps things dry and cool  :D

Those infamous take away lidded food containers already mentioned are just right for freezing enough tomato sauce for two of us for pasta or curry sauces bases, plus they stack really well in the freezer drawer too.

Wooden clothes pegs that have given up the ghost make very long lasting plant labels, as do wooden lolly sticks and those things I think are called tongue depressors.

Off cuts of inch square timber painted white make excellent labels at the plot for potatoes, as they don't get lost when you earth up.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: mumofstig on May 06, 2013, 19:30
Local Indian/Chinese throws out 30L size buckets that used to hold curry powder useful for lots of things - I'm growing early spuds in them this year  ;)

Cut 4pint pastic milk bottles in half and make holes in the bottom, for pots.  9 of them site nicely in the blue mesh mushroom boxes(also from the chinese  :D )
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: LilacSandy on May 06, 2013, 19:36
Comfrey and Nettles for free fertilizer.  Pallets for compost bins. Old plastic greenhouse poles fit together to make a frame for covering seedlings.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: ConfusedGardener on May 07, 2013, 23:28
I'm a big fan of flexi-tubs, especially the 42 ltr ones. Not free, but they can be found for £3 or less (check Tesco direct website), and they have many uses in the garden. They make great pots for large plants like tomatoes if you make a few holes in the bottom, and you can drag them around when they are full of soil without fear of breaking them.

We just moved into a new house, and the land is full of stones, iron and general rubbish, so I bought about 15 of them to use for putting all the rubbish that is coming out of the ground in as well as for large plant containers.

Pound Land do 15 ltr (or round abouts) storage boxes w/lid that would also make great planters, and can be used to store boxes of bonemeal etc. to keep them from getting damp.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on May 08, 2013, 19:20
plastic mushroom trays from catering establishments turn upside down to protect from pigeons
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: snow white on May 09, 2013, 09:23
I am queen or recycling;
Meat trays make good propagators, one on the bottom and one placed on the top.  Good for chitting sweetcorn in. Also great to put pots in when potting on.  Good for picking and storing fruit.
Toilet rolls are good seed pots and root trainers.
2ltr bottles make good cloches in winter/spring then turn upside down for directional watering in summer.  Hang a bottle up in your shed and keep plastic bags in them, just scrunch bag and insert. Insert a nipple into the lid for a chicken drinker.
Newspaper is good mulching material as long as it is weighted down with compost or grass clippings. 
Old pallets make good compost bins.  Broken down the uses for the wood is endless.  Pathed my Lottie with them and built a fruit cage.  Made a lovely staging area for my poly tunnel.
Milk cartons - cut the bottom off for a plant pot and use the rest cut up as labels.
Old tent poles - great netting support

People think I've spent a fortune on my Lottie!  Then see all my recycled stuff.  Every time I go to throw something out I try to think of a use for it.  Everyone now asks me if I want xyz!

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Taff the Welder on May 19, 2013, 21:34
Possibly the wrong place to ask, but is newspaper printers ink now bio-degradable?  :unsure:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: fisher on May 19, 2013, 22:33
 To make holes in yog pots, to use for seeds, (I use the 500g ones which stack ), heat a skewer (I use gas flame) and when nice and hot, push it thru lots of pot bases at a time!
Fisher :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: mumofstig on May 20, 2013, 08:58
Possibly the wrong place to ask, but is newspaper printers ink now bio-degradable?  :unsure:

Yes, it's fine  :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: gypsy on May 20, 2013, 19:28
Another use for plastic milk bottles, slice it through at the "shoulders" and you have a funnel.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: yaxley on May 20, 2013, 23:39
Fill plastic milk bottles with earth or shingle they make great weights to hold fleece down with ...
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: GrannieAnnie on May 21, 2013, 13:28
IF you can find an old empty wine bottle, tear an old newspaper into strips, soak and wrap around the base of the bottle.  Squeeze off as much water as possible, easy the papier-mâch off the bottle and let it dry – bio degradable 3” pots.
Use an aerosol can for 1.1/2” tubes.

This way is so much less hassle Taff! lol
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Auntiemogs on May 21, 2013, 13:31
Possibly the wrong place to ask, but is newspaper printers ink now bio-degradable?  :unsure:
Yes, it's fine  :)
Ooh, does that mean that I can compost Mum and Dad's old newspapers?   :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: hamstergbert on May 21, 2013, 16:52
Most of the tightwad tricks we always used are already listed above, but one that isn't is that we encouraged family members who are flush enough to buy coffee in Costa or the other chains to snag a bunch of wooden stirrer sticks each time (naughty).  Great plant labels with pencil details and long enough to avoid the water soaking upwards and obliterating the writing.   Also keep fleece raised nice and high when covering early sowings in the greenhouse during cold snaps.  They are also useful to control the slide of medium and larger seeds off the paper vee onto the compost when accurate sowing.

You can also sharpen one end of them and use them to destroy very small vampires.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Headgardener22 on May 21, 2013, 18:00
A different way is to buy in bulk. Plant labels are £10.00 for 1000 from LBS warehouse and the writing can be scraped off with a knife. I bought a load about five years ago and their still going strong.

Similarly I bought a load of plant pots from Dejex (£80 for 4000 7cm pots) I've not got near the bottom of the box yet but it means that all my pots are the same rather than having a random mix.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Trillium on May 22, 2013, 01:32
Possibly the wrong place to ask, but is newspaper printers ink now bio-degradable?  :unsure:
Yes, it's fine  :)
Ooh, does that mean that I can compost Mum and Dad's old newspapers?   :)

Yes. Inks now are made from a soya base rather than the old chemicals.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Auntiemogs on May 22, 2013, 01:41
Brilliant!  Thanks Trillium.  :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: cadalot on May 22, 2013, 06:34
Small and medium pop bottles then using a mapping pin hole the cap (I found the best is 8 around the outside at 90 and 45 degrees and one in the middle - ideal for watering seedlings and young plants
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: angelavdavis on May 23, 2013, 18:20
Some nice ideas here.

I re-use
- bubble wrap to cover seed trays in a heated propagator to hold in the warmth (remove as soon as seedlings appear)
- toilet rolls for potting (I put them in the plastic takeaway trays to hold them together),
- newspapers for mulch,
- cardboard for mulch,
- 2L soft drinks bottles cut down as mini cloches,
- bought compost bags for collecting manure,
- old drainpipe fitted on the side of the shed to hold 3 in pots (drill holes into it to drain the water away),
- old downpipe fitted to the side of the shed to store canes
- an old gazebo frame, covered in bird netting, as a fruit frame
- pallets fashioned into a picket fence.
- buckets with lids (inc chicken pellet buckets) to brew compost tea
- collapsible wrought iron conservatory shelving reused as GH staging
- old paving reused in GH
- large 25L water bottles (non recyclables from water machines) with the bottom cut off for bell cloches and cut down the centre for small mini cloches for seedlings.
- drowned weeds as compost tea (as well as nettle and comfrey)
- old holey child wellies for hanging strawberry planters
- milk bottles fashioned into strawberry planters (see aelf's post on here)
- wood ash from home fires for added potash on fruit
- water from fish tank changes to feed window boxes

I can't think of any more right now, but probably will later!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on May 23, 2013, 19:30
tonne builders bags as membrane for paths
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 23, 2013, 21:02
tonne builders bags as membrane for paths

That's an idea, Maam!

We had some sharp sand and some gravel delivered last week, and were wondering what to do with the bags!

I was thinking of just filling them with compost for a sort of raised bed!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on May 23, 2013, 22:07
tonne builders bags as membrane for paths

That's an idea, Maam!

We had some sharp sand and some gravel delivered last week, and were wondering what to do with the bags!

I was thinking of just filling them with compost for a sort of raised bed!

just got 6 out of the skip at the builders merchants
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: cadalot on May 23, 2013, 22:43
Plastic Bottle Caps and a tube of external quality Hard and Nails from the 99p shop
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 24, 2013, 07:10
We can get about 40 plastic plant labels by cutting down a 4 pt milk bottle into small slivers, and using an all-weather pen...

The best one ever, is to use small pieces of green debris netting, cut them into circles about 1' 6" diameter and add a big rubber band round the edge, kept in place with a few staples.

It makes the perfect hairnet...;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Beetroot queen on May 24, 2013, 13:37
Buy seeds online, they work out much cheaper and you can get a far wider range.

I won't be using the garden centre again. If the packs are too big share with a fellow plotter
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: plum crumble on May 24, 2013, 15:32

The best one ever, is to use small pieces of green debris netting, cut them into circles about 1' 6" diameter and add a big rubber band round the edge, kept in place with a few staples.

It makes the perfect hairnet...;0)

we need piccies as evidence of this one!  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: barley on May 24, 2013, 22:56
if you want more robust flower pots , tin cans with holes punched in bottom with a screwdriver

mole hill soil mixed with home made compost is as good as any bagged product

old carpet cut into strips makes a marverlous muddy free path on the plot

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 25, 2013, 06:57

The best one ever, is to use small pieces of green debris netting, cut them into circles about 1' 6" diameter and add a big rubber band round the edge, kept in place with a few staples.

It makes the perfect hairnet...;0)

we need piccies as evidence of this one!  :lol: :lol:

They're only worn at night, Plum, and the flash on the camera has busted - sorry..;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: hamstergbert on May 25, 2013, 18:45
Alternatively you can dis-assemble hairnets of course to act as netting for incredibly small soft fruit bushes....
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Trillium on May 25, 2013, 20:46

They're only worn at night, Plum, and the flash on the camera has busted - sorry..;0)

I'm trying to picture Growster containing all his golden locks in the net   :lol: :lol:  (oops, there went a handful  ;))
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: maxibo on May 25, 2013, 21:29
The best one ever, is to use small pieces of green debris netting, cut them into circles about 1' 6" diameter and add a big rubber band round the edge, kept in place with a few staples.

It makes the perfect hairnet...;0)

Do you wear this whilst wandering around your tomato fest, slurping chianti and singing?  Please tell me you do!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: plum crumble on May 26, 2013, 08:52
as long as he wears it on his head  :unsure:  :unsure:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Mbmyco2 on May 26, 2013, 09:36
I use all of our four pint milk cartons to empty my water butts into in the rainy season ( most of the year) store them in the greenhouse under my benches and use them once the butts run dry leave them empty in the winter and fill in the spring have about 200 x 4 pints loads of water!!!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 26, 2013, 21:31
I've found enough debris netting around 'The Turrets' today, to make hairnets for everyone here today, so form a queue please..;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on May 27, 2013, 20:52
I've found enough debris netting around 'The Turrets' today, to make hairnets for everyone here today, so form a queue please..;0)

I've got very long hair can I have a snood size please Growster :D
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: snowdrops on May 27, 2013, 21:06
What about the forum members that are folicaly challenged? Equality & diversity & all that ****
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2013, 06:26
What about the forum members that are folicaly challenged? Equality & diversity & all that ****

That's easy, you just call them a 'net'!

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: arugula on May 28, 2013, 07:41
Groan! ::)

Don't let the "a 'net'" I know hear you say that Growster. ;)  :lol:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: New shoot on May 28, 2013, 08:16
I've found enough debris netting around 'The Turrets' today, to make hairnets for everyone here today, so form a queue please..;0)

May I request one with a nice bow on the front please  :)  Raffia or garden twine perfickly acceptable, but if we are to wear debris netting, I feel I must make some attempt to keep my standards up  :nowink:  :lol:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2013, 11:14
When you say, "I feel I must make some attempt to keep my standards up", is that a new word for unmentionables, or your roses..;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2013, 11:16
Groan! ::)

Don't let the "a 'net'" I know hear you say that Growster. ;)  :lol:

I promise I'll only whisper, Mums;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: arugula on May 28, 2013, 12:19
I promise I'll only whisper, Mums;0)

Mums?  :unsure:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2013, 13:15

So sorry, Arugula, typical Monday (only it's Tuesday, but feels like Monday), mistake!

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: 8doubles on May 28, 2013, 13:25
Old tights or stocking legs pulled tight and snipped into 1" lengths with kitchen scissors make the best soft plant ties !
Brilliant for tom ties you can loop several pieces together if needed.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: arugula on May 28, 2013, 13:30

So sorry, Arugula, typical Monday (only it's Tuesday, but feels like Monday), mistake!


That's OK. :) Just think what a nice surprise you'll get when the weekend is upon you a day earlier than you were expecting. ;) :D
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: lynrotherham on May 28, 2013, 15:16
I use lemonade bottles to grow leek and broad bean seeds. I cut the top off the bottle (around the neck line) and pushed the top inside the bottle to form drainage and also makes the bottle more ridged. My leeks and broad beans had a fantastic root system. This is the first year of our allotment next year I will starting other seeds like this.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: plum crumble on May 28, 2013, 18:43
I use lemonade bottles to grow leek and broad bean seeds. I cut the top off the bottle (around the neck line) and pushed the top inside the bottle to form drainage and also makes the bottle more ridged. My leeks and broad beans had a fantastic root system. This is the first year of our allotment next year I will starting other seeds like this.

I presume you drink a lot of lemonade then?  :lol: My wine/beer bottles just wouldn't work  :nowink:
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2013, 19:56

So sorry, Arugula, typical Monday (only it's Tuesday, but feels like Monday), mistake!


That's OK. :) Just think what a nice surprise you'll get when the weekend is upon you a day earlier than you were expecting. ;) :D

Hopefully, it will, as I'm away tomorrow all day, and also Friday, so this week will just fly by! Mrs G will enjoy the tranquillity..;0)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: thestens on May 28, 2013, 20:28
I use wine bottles an a path/bed edging. I drive them into the soil neck first. I hope they stop the spread of roots into the beds. As it says on the signature I have an endless supply as my 'acres' are at the pub.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: arugula on May 29, 2013, 07:17
Mrs G will enjoy the tranquillity..;0)

Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Jackypam on June 23, 2013, 22:57
I use the plastic containers that have washing capsules in for storing small stuff as they are square and you can see what is in them, and they have hinged lids.  Look smart on the shelf and have diff coloured lids too!
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: carlrmj on June 29, 2013, 21:48

 When I  had my bakery business ,I also had  my first allotment .

 Jam ,mayonnaise ,egg mayonnaise , purees, fruit fillings etc , came in 12.5kg plastic buckets.

 Mincemeat came in 12.5kg  and 25kg buckets.

 I used these for tomatoes ,chillis etc .

 If you have  a local bakers nearby ,it might be worth asking what they do with their plastic tubs
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: snowdrops on June 30, 2013, 09:10
I use ball pool balls on the top of canes,works well under netting,although they do seem to degrade in the sun,look good too. Really started a trend off at our site,now no end of people use them :lol: The first lot I was given & since then I look out for them at car boots.
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: peedee555 on June 30, 2013, 13:09
chip shop wooden chip forks ideal for plant labels ... i run a chip shop so always got plenty along with potato sacks i am getting quite popular down our site at the mo :)
Title: Re: Money saving ideas for the plot
Post by: Madame Cholet on June 30, 2013, 23:11

 When I  had my bakery business ,I also had  my first allotment .

 Jam ,mayonnaise ,egg mayonnaise , purees, fruit fillings etc , came in 12.5kg plastic buckets.

 Mincemeat came in 12.5kg  and 25kg buckets.

 I used these for tomatoes ,chillis etc .

 If you have  a local bakers nearby ,it might be worth asking what they do with their plastic tubs

or your local pub