We built up to 7 dairy goats producing about 60 pints a day in peak season - so we had to do something with the excess milk - so we bought 60 weaners from Rother Valley College where I was doing various agri courses. The goats eventually led to about 60 Angora Goats and the weaners led to 13 outdoor sows and a boar. It also seemed like a good idea to buy a couple of three week calves. One, an Angus, was a late developer and was an interesting character as an 18 month old bull. The last two we had were Limousins which could jump a stock fence, such fun.
It is said, with some justification, that when two dairy goats get together that the first thing they do is establish an escape committee.
Now, in my dotage I have reverted to fruit and veg, but I do miss the pigs, they were characters.
Christine is still a national judge of Angora Goats. She didn't have a show this year, but we have been all over in the past; Great Yorkshire, Three Counties, Royal Welsh and Devon County to name but a few.