A special pig

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animal mad

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A special pig
« on: September 23, 2013, 19:21 »
Hi, I breed saddleback pigs and yes the piglets usually go for meat. We have recently brought in a litter and one of the piglets "spider", they only get a name if they are staying , is very tame. My husband has agreed that if I can find him a pet home that would be ok. So I'm on the look out any suggestions . He is the runt of the litter half the size of his litter mates, mainly because he wants cuddles more than food. If you stroke his belly he will flop on his side and fall asleep, and when you stop he gets up and follows you round like a dog. I don't usually get attached to the piglets as the breeding girls are my pets but he is really special. Just not sure where to start to find that special person who I could entrust spider too. Any ideas ?


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