Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Poultry and Pets => Chicken Chat => Topic started by: Springlands on April 23, 2011, 10:46

Title: Ducks bedtime
Post by: Springlands on April 23, 2011, 10:46
We recently took on three ducks which were being bullied within their own group and they spend the day in the large fenced off run in our garden along with our two hens and three bantys and they are all very friendly through the day. The people that we got them off said that the ducks slept at night in the chicken coop along with the chickens however our hens decided that they were having none of that so we set up our old eglu arc within the chicken run for the ducks (removed the perches to make it safe for the ducks)  and also attached the fox proof mesh that comes with eglus so that at night they are in a run within the main run.

Our hens go to bed at about dusk however the ducks just do not want to go to bed. OH and I were out for a while last night and they were still swimming on their pool at 10.00 when we came home.  OH and I had to herd them into the fox proof run so that they would be safe - not easy in the dark by torchlight  :D :D . Is this normal or will they eventually learn to go into the run at nights.

PS - although the eglu arc is attached to the mesh run they also seem to prefer to sleep out of doors.

Title: Re: Ducks bedtime
Post by: Honeysuckle on April 23, 2011, 17:19
Our ducks won't go to bed without being 'herded' into their house and then they will only go in without too much resisitance if it's dark  :wub: Our geese are the same.  The geese do get 'herded' into a penned area where their house is an hour or so before dark as OH worries they may hurt themselves on our gooseberries bushes etc in the dark  :unsure:

Chickens quite happily put themselves to bed  :D
Title: Re: Ducks bedtime
Post by: Springlands on April 23, 2011, 17:35
Thank you for the replies - sounds as mine are just normal ducks then  ::) ::)