Soft shell eggs

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Soft shell eggs
« on: May 13, 2024, 20:50 »
Hello, this has been asked a lot but I wanted to check what your thoughts are on a 25 week old hen (Lena) laying soft eggs overnight. she started laying normal eggs about 4 weeks ago. She then became egg bound and we had to help her by clearing out a broken egg from her oviduct. She seemed to recover well, had a few days off laying and then laid normally for a few days. She's now had a few days of no eggs in the day, looking uncomfortable in the evenings and laying one or 2 soft eggs overnight. She's rushing out in the mornings and seems to be alert, eating and drinking well. We've got 3 other similar aged girls and they are laying perfect eggs with hard shells. I'm adding calcium to their water and they have oyster shell grit available at all times. They free range for a couple of hours a day. I'm worried that Lena has some genetic problem that is going to make her ill eventually. 


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Re: Soft shell eggs
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2024, 07:22 »
Hens new to laying can have a few ups and downs, but if their diet is good there is not much more you can do. 

Your hen has laid normal eggs, so I would wait and see.  If they only ever lay soft shells that is more likely to continue, but doesn’t necessarily make them ill.  If there is a problem internally that is probably something in the process of forming an egg, rather than some genetic illness.  The main issues are becoming egg bound or having a prolapse.  You can help her with the first as you have already done.  Prolapses are more serious but cross that bridge if you get to it.  Maybe read up on them so you know what to look for.



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Re: Soft shell eggs
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2024, 15:37 »
I always provide small oyster shell and small grit each in a flowerpot as I was concerned that normal size was big. Are you providing greens as well, can throw in a cabbage at other times

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