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Poultry and Pets => Chicken Chat => Topic started by: tiptopchickendon on July 09, 2010, 16:03

Title: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: tiptopchickendon on July 09, 2010, 16:03

On BBC 2 next Thursday 15th July at 20.00 (8pm) and BBC HD at 22.00 (10pm)

Possibly a bit early to mention it, but it does give eeryone a heads up to record it if they are not around to watch it....that includes me  :( (
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Hawkins on July 09, 2010, 16:07
Thanks for the heads up will look forward to that one.
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: TeaPots on July 09, 2010, 19:46
if its as good as yesturdays one about cows, Itll be brill   :D

I've ALWAYS wanted a cow, OH says no  :mad:  :(
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: nicky d on July 09, 2010, 20:07
arh cool, i didnt realise they were doing one about chooks, i watched the one last nite with the cows and really enjoyed it, thanks for posting that reminder   nickyx
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Goldfinger on July 09, 2010, 20:17
I watched the 'cows' episode and really enjoyed it and also found it fascinating, even after working on a farm a few years ago.

When it mentioned it would be about chickens next time, my wife couldn't get it s*y plussed quick enough!  ::) :lol: :lol:

So who's more obsessed with chooks then?? Me or the wife.......?????  ;)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: TeaPots on July 10, 2010, 11:09
but of course we all know already how clever chookies are  :lol:
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Goldfinger on July 10, 2010, 17:56
but of course we all know already how clever chookies are  :lol:

Yep, and we all know 'who really own who' as well  ::) :lol:
Title: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: henamoured on July 15, 2010, 18:24
Just thought I'd post this if anyone's interested - last weeks prog on cows was quite good.
I believe Jane from the Battery Welfare Trust appears in tonight's.
Title: Re: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: looe-looe-belle on July 15, 2010, 18:58
sounds good!! - I will definitly watch it!!
Title: Re: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: wolverine on July 15, 2010, 19:42
Was just about to post a reminder about this you beat me to it  . It looks good : )
Title: Re: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: Pretty Chick on July 15, 2010, 19:51
We'll be watching it too  :)
Title: Re: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: Pretty Chick on July 15, 2010, 20:59
I thought it was really good  :). Thanks for reminding us all henamoured  :).
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: carolbriar on July 15, 2010, 21:00
Hope you all enjoyed the programme.  I found it very interesting - it was great seeing the battery hens being rescued.  I didn't like seeing the way the little chicks were shoved around though. :(
Title: Re: Private Life of Chickens BBC2 8pm tonight
Post by: wolverine on July 15, 2010, 21:00
Quite interesting that lucky loyd getting mistakes for a girl and getting freed at the end what are the chances of that??? got to be in the millions
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Ice on July 15, 2010, 21:07
I've merged the two topics as they are about the same thing. :)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Pretty Chick on July 15, 2010, 21:09
I found it very interesting - it was great seeing the battery hens being rescued.

Yes, it was lovely to see them being taken out of those horrid cages  :). How can they be so cruel to cage them up like that :mad: :(

I didn't like seeing the way the little chicks were shoved around though. :(

That was horrible to see wasn't it?!!! :( All landing on top of each other  :ohmy: :(
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: henamoured on July 15, 2010, 21:33
I loved the barn that opened straight on to the road from which they were 'dispensing' the ex batts to the queing cars - what a great set up - and the shots of the countryside were lovely.
I just hope the programme will help bring home to people without hen owners  ::) that hens are intelligent animals and it IS cruel to cage them in battery farms.
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: k4t1e195 on July 15, 2010, 22:24
i sky + it and just finished watching it. I thought it was interesting. I didnt like how rough they were with the chicks poor little things being thrown around like that.
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Tazzy on July 15, 2010, 22:32
Really enjoyed the programme. I always knew that they were intelligent birds, but the way they only pecked open certain shapes covering the mealworms was fascinating. I thought it may have been a bit of a put up job until they showed them in action. But what about the mouse swallower?  :tongue2:
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: nicky d on July 15, 2010, 23:15
Hubby and i watched it, thought it was a brillant programme, i fell in love with Lloyd, bless him, hes one lucky boy, did you see the way he was walking aswell, poor thing,   nickyx
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Curlytop on July 16, 2010, 09:12
I sat and watched it twice as my OH missed the first showing, enjoyed it the second time just as much as the first. It makes a change to watch something of interest instead of the usual rubbish I watch.
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: compostqueen on July 16, 2010, 09:16
My husband was watching it and he bawled at the top of his voice for me to come and watch it.  I really enjoyed it especially the bit about the shape sorter food dispenser  :D

I can recall recently arguing with the telly when I heard Janet Street Porter saying that all chickens were stupid.  I know now that I was right and that she's a dipstick  :D

My smallest hen was as smart as paint and could outwit the other biggers hens. I suppose nature provides  :)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: nicky d on July 16, 2010, 13:33
Wot did you all think about her introducing one hen to the hospital flock,  and correct me if im wrong, but didnt he at the beginning say thats chickens were the closest living relation to the     T- Rex ???, i thought they were decended from verlosaraptors (sp)  nickyx
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: joyfull on July 16, 2010, 13:50
must admit I didn't like the hospital set up unless she has a seperate section for those with serious illnesses - the one she added didn't seem that ill to me - mind you neither did the others  ;)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 16, 2010, 13:53
I think it was just for the programme!  Makes her look good!  The programme was a plug for Jane and the BHWT!
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Curlytop on July 16, 2010, 15:26
Surely any programme that makes people aware of how caged hens are treated can't be that bad  :)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Kelloggs on July 16, 2010, 15:31

  I was a bit surprised at the look of the poor broody, did she look pale and a little dirty :(
 but apart from that a good programme
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Goldfinger on July 16, 2010, 21:51

  I was a bit surprised at the look of the poor broody, did she look pale and a little dirty :(
 but apart from that a good programme

I spotted her mucky bum too. Is that a signs of worms?? I'd better ask, so I know what to look for, in case my chooks get them as i'm still a bit 'green' at this addictive  :D :D, er, hobby  ??? (can I call it that??)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 16, 2010, 22:13
Some broody's can starve themselves to death they are so intent on sitting on their eggs, so it's probably not unusual for a broody to look like that.  I have to keep chucking my broody LS and the 2 white silkies out of the nest boxes several times a day, but I lift the LS out and they just sit where I put them!  Even though their mates are outside nibbling the corn or greenstuffs I've just given them!

And they are not even sitting on eggs!!!

I hope the programme does show a few more people the plight of the battery hens, but many more will still go and buy the cheapest eggs, as they don't care about the chickens living conditions.  They'll say after all they are only animals!

Don't get me wrong, I would love every person and animal in this world to have a lovely life, but it will never happen.  All the while there are people who buy the stuff, there are people who will raise it however just for the money.

Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: wildwitchy on July 16, 2010, 23:25
I noticed the dirty bottom on the broody as well ( recipie for getting flyblown if you ask me) & the man handling of the chicks.

I couldnt watch the bit when they were in the battery farm. I hate to see that.  :mad:
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: wolverine on July 17, 2010, 06:15
People will always buy cheap eggs because they don't know about battery coditions half the lads on site I speak to have know idea about how chickens are kept.  only one person I spoke to dosent care . More education about battery hens is the answer. People can't be blamed for never being told. I used to eat the cheapest eggs in the shop ( eggs are eggs :wub:) till I watched a video on you tube.  Then on to free range now got 3 girls : ) 
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: New shoot on July 17, 2010, 08:27
People where I work know I keep chickens and several asked me about this programme. The stats they quoted that 60% of battery eggs go to make processed foods hit home.  They were people who won't buy battery eggs and thought that was them doing their bit.  They are all now on label reading missions to see what else they have been buying and whether the eggs are free range or not  8)

The meal worm test was amazing too - chickens will just about do anything for meal worms, but I would not have credited them with being to work that out so quickly  :D
Title: Excellent Programme on BBC - 'Secret Life of Chickens'
Post by: NooNoosdad on July 17, 2010, 09:11
 :) Just wanted to let everyone know about this excellent BBC Programme screened a couple of days ago. Jimmy Doherty investigates 'The Secret Life of Chickens' and here's the link to the BBC iPlayer

My family and I were totally engrossed and amongst other things it explains their behaviour and proves that they are Simple yet Intelligent Creatures that learn very quickly - Well; worth Watching :)
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: 8doubles on July 17, 2010, 10:30
Whenever the intelligence of chickens is mentioned i visualise mine running up and down the fence banging their beaks on the wire looking at the goodies i have put out for them.
They can walk out of the open gate but it takes a couple of minutes to register.
Is 2 1/2 years not long enough for it to sink in ! :)

Jimmy`s farm/food and environment programmes are always worth a look.
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 17, 2010, 13:54
Ours are the same if a gate is left open a bit and one chook escapes.  the gate may still be open, but she runs up and down the fence trying to figure out how to get back in, or at the moment, I have one young Exchequer Leghorn who flies over the gate, then runs up and down trying to get back in!   :D

When we first had our Ex batts, their run was very long with the gate in the middle, so when I walked along the fenceline with their food or treats, they used to follow me on the other side of the fence.  Pennydog usually walks with me.

But then if Penny walked down the garden on her won,the chooks would follow her too as they associated her with the food that I carried!

So they are not daft, just look it at times!   :D :D
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Oliveview on July 18, 2010, 09:04
It was interesting what they said about the cockerel giving food to the hens first.... our Colin jumps up and picks the orange blossom off the trees for the girls to eat.  I had noticed him standing back when they eat their food first thing I had thought it wa him being ´hen pecked´ now I know it is himbeing a gentleman :lol:
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: wildwitchy on July 18, 2010, 14:56
I have to deliberatly usher adolf to one side if treats are being given as he always ends up with none :ohmy:. He calls the girls over & they swarm in like locusts only to leave him with nothing.  :lol: Such a shame for him. Talk about hen pecked!
Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: hillfooter on July 19, 2010, 00:00
I have to deliberatly usher adolf to one side if treats are being given as he always ends up with none :ohmy:. He calls the girls over & they swarm in like locusts only to leave him with nothing.  :lol: Such a shame for him. Talk about hen pecked!

This behaviour is well known and in wild flocks in famine situations it's often the cock who will die of starvation first.

It was an interesting programme but I thought it was a bit of a confused hodge podge and didn't really know what it was supposed to be.  Was it a serious documentary about chickens or a chicken welfare programme or as I suspect just a magazine programme exploiting the popularity of Jimmy Doherty with a random smattering of chicken facts ie just a bit of TV frippery.

Title: Re: BBC 2. The private lives of ....
Post by: Craig69 on July 19, 2010, 07:40
Watched it last night & the one from before about cows.
Thought it was a good & have put this weeks on the planner about pigs.
Sort of thing i would like to do, but when we were looking for land the planning dept put up a hugh great wall from the start.
Not giving up though!!!!