Many of us save seed from one year to the next. Although saving beans, or corn etc. is easy enough using regular mailing envelopes, smaller envelopes are more practical for small seed, like tomato or pepper seed, or herbs.
Rather than the bother and expense of trying to buy small envelopes for saving seed, I make my own from sticky notes that we have around the house ("Post-It" is a common brand here, you may have other brands over there). These can easily be folded and taped into an envelope with a resealable adhesive flap. Instructions and photos below.
I'm using 3 x 3 inch Post-Its here, but you can use any size. Steps are numbered in the photos.
1. Place the note with the adhesive area facing down. Draw a straight line along one edge of the Post-it note on the non-adhesive side, perpendicular to the direction of the adhesive strip, roughly 1/4 inch from the edge, though that distance is not critical (step 2 illustration shows this more clearly).
2. Flip over, adhesive side up. Fold the edge with the line over to somewhere within the middle third of the note (exact position is not critical). Fold the other edge of the note to the line you drew.
3. Fold the edge away from the adhesive up, perpendicular to the first 2 folds. Again, roughly 1/4 inch, but exact distance not important. This forms the bottom of the envelope.
4. Unfold, cut away the left and right corners of the adhesive area, along the fold lines and adhesive line. This leaves the middle adhesive area still attached. Discard cut off corners.
5. Re-fold, tape as shown to hold the bottom fold in place (I used masking tape here for visibility; I usually use transparent tape, it might also be possible to glue where I use tape, but I haven't tried it).
6. Tape along the long seam.
7. The adhesive flap folds down, securing your seeds in place, and can be opened and closed several times as long as it is kept clean.