I have been notified by my supplier that they have not been calculating my usage correctly and I now owe them £2,300. My daughter, took 30 mins to look and print off all the bills etc, but she has now gone on holiday. I cannot understand what the usage bills are, but daughter says thats the idea. Looking back she saw that from last Oct to November, 1 month, my electric had increased by £780. Nothing has changed here and she says she things the meter may be faulty. Every month I read the meter and send and they query and say the reading doesn't look right, so I send it again.
There is nothing I can do until daughter returns when she will 'phone them, I cannot hear on the 'phone properly. She is then going to tell them to switch me to smart meters. I have shied away from them, because I am old and heard lots of bad stories. Life can be a pain. Mrs Bouquet