We've had problems with foxes and badgers, so we've had a big push om makimg our runs fox proof. I don't think butterfly netting complies with the regulations on bird flu but shade or debris netting might.
What we do now is house all our birds in cheap polytunnels, complete with covers. The mesh inside the covers is pretty tough stuff that a fox or badger would have problems getting through, particularly whilst being zapped every 2 seconds with an electric charge.
The frames are supported inside with timber frames that also hold up high perches. The covers are held down by sandwiching it between timbers and the sides and ends have timber from free pallets up to about 3.5 ft.the whole thing is surrounded by 3 lines of electric fencing and the whole thing fastened down against the notorious Derbyshire twisters
with ratchet luggage straps attached to tree stakes. There is then a 120cm electric poultry mesh fence around the whole pen area.
If a fox ever manages to get another of our birds I'll COOK the blummin thing for it! I'll take pictures next time I'm down the farm. The thing is, the breeds we are concentrating on are costing an arm and a leg to get eggs, so we are doing everything we can to prevent losses.