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« on: September 07, 2022, 10:00 »
There's a big house being built just down the road, and we noticed that they were leaving a few pallets outside for anyone to take, so the Growstermobile shot into action...

The collection started with just a few, which were sawn up and stacked as in the first pic, but then the builder promised us a few more, (few...)?

So far we're up to well over ninety, and several bags of kindling, and he's promised us some more too!

And to cap it all, I chatted with the site owner yesterday, and he asked me what I was doing with them because if they were for firewood (they are), he had a huge load of logs from the site which he wanted to give away, so that's even more now!

This'll save us around £250.00 this year, which will be very welcome, as I had to pay a large wodge of notes for new glasses only yesterday...
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 10:00 by Growster... »



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2022, 18:24 »
Excellent growster, get it all stacked in.
The price of logs etc is going up all the time.
My brother has just paid £90 per dumpy bag for hardwood logs.
Luckily my wood store is full so any logs I bring in will be for next year.
Your photographs reminded that I need to crack on with the sticks and Kindling so I best make a start.



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2022, 20:19 »
you can't beat a few pallets for kindling and logs for the fire Growster I often get a phone call from a friend of ours saying there's some pallets to collect from the farm and then what I do is I methodically take apart the pallets save all the good planks any broken planks and the blocks go for kindling the good planks  are stacked in a dry place for another day should I need to make anything  :D

but apart from that we have a good stock of tree wood cut up and stacked in the shed ready for winter use and  still have plenty of tree wood to cut up probably enough to keep us going for many years to come the wife bought me a new battery chainsaw last year and boy did that come in handy much easier to use than my petrol one so Growster you never have enough wood never refuse what your offered :D



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2022, 17:22 »
Excellent growster, get it all stacked in.
The price of logs etc is going up all the time.
My brother has just paid £90 per dumpy bag for hardwood logs.
Luckily my wood store is full so any logs I bring in will be for next year.
Your photographs reminded that I need to crack on with the sticks and Kindling so I best make a start.

Thanks Alan, I sure will get as much as he can let us have!

It's £95.00 a bag here, and while it's excellent wood, it works out at around 30p a log, so really means a bit of a gulp when stoking the fire...

(Note to Mods - the pics were taken the right way up, but appeared sideways - any reason why please?)



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2022, 17:27 »
Well done you, Rowland!

The problem I have is de-nailing the pallets, as they've been left out in the weather and the nails are damned difficult to get out!

A couple of the pallets were made from beech, which to me is sacrilege, but I just couldn't free them up, sadly!

I'm using a B and D electric reciprocating saw, with the jigsaw blade, as the wood is quite wet, and the fat blades shudder a bit! I'm sure a chainsaw would be quicker though...



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2022, 13:12 »
I bought a Pallet Breaker and it is such a game changer!  It means you can lever up the slats instead of having to cut them.  Sure, a couple of them might split, but that's the same as if you were to dismantle them in any other way, and the longer lengths are usually what people want.

Link is as an example, and I'm not on commission :D Although I did buy this exact one and I have to say it was very good :D



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2022, 18:37 »
That looks a great bit of kit, SS! Thank you for the link!

I hated cutting up the beech slats as they make fabulous shelves etc., after a bit of TLC!

A local cafe has clad all their interior with similar slats, and they look great! Nail holes and all!



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Re: Pallets-R-Us...
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2022, 10:39 »
Once you get your technique right it is amazing!  I most recently dismantled an entire pallet with no breakages other than one slat that was already damaged 8)

I got some pallets!!

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