'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...

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'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« on: July 24, 2019, 11:16 »
After many years, I've decided to try home brewing again, and as I used to make beer at 2p a pint, you can see how rusty I am...

The kit was 'Directors', and made up in a proper plastic container as usual, however, on transferring it to a cask, it has just gone flat and uninteresting, even though I popped in some sugar and a little more yeast! I even tried a Co2 punch, but nothing really happened!

So, what if I decant it all into 2l plastic bottles, re-primed it with a little sugar and a pinch of yeast?

In my book it should work, but I cannot remember a cask giving up so easily! The seal is very good, and it was sterile and very clean!

Thoughts anyone?



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Re: 'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2019, 14:37 »
If there is a leak then the gas will leave but let in o2.
I gave up using a keg and co2 as the keg would always leak.
How long was the beer brewing for and how long was it on finished og before transfering? it might have been stopped too long.
Do you use brewing sugar or granulated. I find brewing does not fizz as much as granulated when added.
I use half a teaspoon per 500ml bottle.



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Re: 'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2019, 17:06 »
Thanks Grinling.

It was brewing for about two weeks, and, as in the distant past, I used to cask and prime as early as possible, but as I didn't have experience of this cask (donated by a chum), I veered towards the safe side to ensure no activity was present, so probably the yeast might have just given up as you say!

I used gran sugar to brew, and a little demerara to prime, as I used to do. I also added a pinch of wine yeast to the cask, as I've done this in the past with some considerable success - until now!

All I really want to do, (Bob Dylan line), is try and exctricate what's left (about 19 litres), and just let it prime and settle itself in storage for a few weeks - no more!

D'you reckon it'll work? I have some more yeast if necessary.



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Re: 'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2019, 16:29 »
Kits these days are ready 5 to 10 days.
Try yeast and sugar.
we do some in clear bottles to see if it has cleared



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Re: 'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2019, 11:50 »
Well that worked, Grinling - many thanks for your advice!

I tipped the whole 'flat' cask back into the brewing container, added another kilo of white sugar, and some baker's yeast (didn't have any of the real stuff), and off it went! After a week or so it slowed as usual, and following your tip for timing, I bottled it in two-litre bottles and primed them as usual.  It has cleared a treat, is now much stronger, and has a real buzz!

Mrs Growster's dad had a Courage pub locally, and he was the first to put on 'Directors', when it became the stronger draught beer on tap. I used to prefer 'Fremlins Draught County', which was a beer to die for, but like most of the gooduns, it was stopped by Whitbread, so 'Directors' became the creme de la creme!

This pint I have in front is already toasting you!



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Re: 'Directors' brew kit refuses to prime in cask...
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2019, 20:52 »
We use  old beer bottles, and bottle into brown/green, followed by the last into 8 clear.Labels taken off by me.
We have a lever capper and there is a fab brewing shop in a garden centre off the A1.

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