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« on: May 11, 2008, 14:41 »
Oh no !! - We've got a magnolia in a bed which was especially dug for it in the middle of our lawn. Last year, I planted it into a very large pot full of ericaceous compost, and sunk it in the ground. I fed it regularly with an ericaceous feed...but this year, we only have about 4 or 5 measly, puny little flowers, and about 1/3 coverage of leaves on the whole plant - and even they look a bit yellowy.
Any magnolia experts care to share their secrets ?, as Mrs. Novice is very disappointed with it at the mo, and I'm likely to go home after work, and find it's been dug up and binned.



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« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 16:54 »
Magnolias are basically easy to grow, but they're finicky. Yours sounds like it got severe wind damage. Magnolias love full sun but they can't take  wind, so they'd need to be either in a sheltered area or have a temporary wind shelter erected for winter. If in a pot, they should be put into a greenhouse for winter. They also need to be kept evenly moist, never dry or soggy (unless you grow specific swamp magnolias). They don't necessarily need feeding, just yearly applications of soil sulfur rather than aluminum sulfate (which blocks acid intake over time). They also should be mulched well and not cultivated too near their root system.
Finally, there are 4 varieties that do prefer alkaline soil: stellata, kobus, sieboldii and wilsonii. Do you have any of these?
My neighbour has a monster magnolia by her front door that's almost a nuisance due to petal drop when its done. But hers is on the north side of the house blocked from our prevailing south-west winds. She mulches but never feeds hers.



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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 10:20 »
I don't feed mine either and there are several types of them in the neighbourhood, all seem to thrive.

As Trillium says, the roots you need be careful with, lot of shallow roots when disturbed, plants sulk a lot. Need a few years to settle in after planting and get going.

Saying that, I personally would take the pot out end of summer and let the roots spread out as they like.
"Words... I know exactly what words I'm wanting to say, but somehow or other they is always getting squiff-squiddled around." R Dahl

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