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Same here as yesterday.  I did force myself to go out and do some gardening jobs at home for a couple of hours and have done the same again today.  It was damp and not that great to be outside working, but it has made me feel a bit better. 

And again.  Third day in a row now.  There has been the odd glimpse of sun today, but few and far between.  Everything was misty, damp and drippy first thing, but I have now done 3 stints of garden work and got a fair bit pruned, tidied and ready to go  :)
 We had sunshine this afternoon only a short time  :)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by MrsPea on Today at 14:49 »
 Cottage pie and fresh veg, followed by pineapple and yoghurt  :)
Potato days are great - but not always near. I don't know about price now, used to get some bargains :)

Allotment shops - very much worth checking if you're on a site that has one. Often they take requests too!
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by Lardman on Today at 11:44 »
Since some gluttonous piggy ate both halves of the pie yesterday, I now need to find something else for tonight. I think I have a tub of chilli in the freezer if not I'll fall back to tuna pasta bake.
Grey, dark, damp and gloomy here, chilly too with the temperature struggling to 0c.

.. and again.
Another grey miserable day, 2C but no at least no complaints from Fred  :)
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by snowdrops on Yesterday at 20:18 »
Roast pork loin slices with roast potatoes & parsnips, peas,carrots, apple sauce & stuffing,gravy & ftf cauliflower cheese.
Grow Your Own / Re: Sweet corn in S Devon
« Last post by Snow on Yesterday at 19:18 »
Swift does well for me in Glasgow, I'm surprised it doesn't do well for you down south
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by MrsPea on Yesterday at 18:29 »
 Something completly different for a sunday Chicken burger and salad, fruit salad and ice cream 'it went down very nice thank you ' I think a change does you good  :lol:
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