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Fruit Press Competition Hints and Help

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Although we encourage you to share hints and tips to find the pages, words, and final answer, please do not share the actual pages, words, or final answer. So please help but don’t answer for other members.

The clues will be simple, and all you need to use is the on site search tool and main sections to find your answers.

Example 1:
Janet needs a rotovator for her new allotment plot. Where could Janet get one?
Using the search tool type in “rotovator” and “buy” then search.
This brings up a number of search results. Click the first result in the list and it takes you to where you would find the answer picture.

Example 2:
Grant isn’t sure where to start on the plot and thinks he could do with a month-by-month guide.
Using the Sections click on Allotment Shop, then Our Books, then the link to Vegetable Growing Month by Month where you would find the answer picture

New shoot:
Oh exciting  :)  I found the first one easily by searching from the main articles and advice page  ;)

Good luck everyone.  Its a fab prize and someone is going to be over the moon with it  8)

How did I miss this yesterday............ I'll have to go a-sleuthing  :D

What fun! Can't wait for tomorrow's clue...

Will we have an email when the next clue is available or will we need to visit the page to check?


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