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Chatting => Chatting on the Plot => Topic started by: Aidy on May 14, 2018, 22:32

Title: 6weeks
Post by: Aidy on May 14, 2018, 22:32
Yep its just been a mere 6 weeks since my last birthday and I have tennis elbow, ligament gone in me left knee, selective memory loss to go with my selective hearing and today managed a groin strain

I hate getting old!

Think I will wake up grumpy tomorrow
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: snowdrops on May 15, 2018, 07:34
Oh poor you Aidy, pm me your address & if I’m up at dawn in the not too distant future I’ll come & shoot you lol.😂
Laugh if you don’t you will become a grumpy old man after all old age is a privilege denied to many 😊 take care & I hope nothing else gives up the ghost
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 15, 2018, 09:48
You don't have to be old to get all that lot and as for waking up grumpy - it sounds as if you already are  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 15, 2018, 14:41
Just a word of advice. Don't wake up grumpy tomorrow because he'll wake up the other dwarves and then where will you be? If it makes you feel any better, in my mind I feel about 45 years old and could dig out all the weeds in my rather large garden in a single day as well as painting the porch along with a bit of hoovering and cleaning. I'm seventy next month and am slowly coming to grips with the limitations that come with the ageing process. I've had a hip replacement, just had my first cataract op, and sometimes need a cane to help with stability issues. As for memory issues, I'll PM you re- their different types etc.  As per your groin strain, perhaps I could tentatively suggest either putting a bag of frozen peas on said area and thinking of England, or get your leg-waxer to go to Specsavers!   
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: jaydig on May 15, 2018, 15:45
You poor old soul!!  I remember my nan saying to me when she was having one of her bad days "Old age doesn't come alone, he brings all his miserable friends".  I suppose we should all look on the bright side - at least we're all still here to suffer the aches and pains, a good many people don't make it to our age.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: John on May 20, 2018, 13:15
I don't like getting older but it is better than the alternative!  :ohmy:

Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 20, 2018, 13:35
Arrrrgh! The very thought of Botox, face-lifts and dermal abrasions, tummy tucks, breast implants, hair transplants, and any other type of re-sculpturing the human body sends shivers up my spine. If you really want to know how old someone is who's gone through all these procedures, look at their neck and the front of their hands - it's an absolute give-away! Be grateful you are still alive, that your wrinkles are just nets of wisdom, learn the fact that you are loved for what you are not for what you look like, and if you are true to yourself then others will be true to you. Two great examples are the Queen and Dame Judy Dench. Need I say more?
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 20, 2018, 14:52
I don't like getting older but it is better than the alternative!  :ohmy:
Much better! Every day is a bonus - I started saying that when I nearly died after a brain aneurysm burst when I was 47. Now I only do what I want to do, and even then only do it when I want to.
If I don't want to do very much today, because something hurts, or I'm not in the right frame of mind, or I really do just want to sit, or read, than that is what I do  :D
My family have accepted that's just how it is now  8)
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: John on May 20, 2018, 20:26
Arrrrgh! The very thought of Botox, face-lifts and dermal abrasions, tummy tucks, breast implants, hair transplants, and any other type of re-sculpturing the human body sends shivers up my spine.
I can understand people wanting to hang onto their youthful appearance for as long as they can but what's really scary is the plastic surgery young women are going in for - like eyelid shaving and operations on their nether regions.  :ohmy:

Much better! Every day is a bonus - I started saying that when I nearly died after a brain aneurysm burst when I was 47.
I thought that was an unsurvivable  event! Glad I was wrong and you're still here.   :D
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 20, 2018, 22:05
John:I thought that was an unsurvivable  event! Glad I was wrong and you're still here.   :D

I'm not always logical, my memory can be iffy and my right arm not as strong as it should be, but still here to enjoy life!  8)
Apparently in those days you needed an injection of something? within an hour. My son-in-law (a first aider for P&O ferries) recognised something was badly wrong and drove like a lunatic and got me from Dover to Canterbury hospital in time. I'm eternally grateful to him and the A&E team for realising what was wrong with me immediately.

The moral of the story is -  if you ever get a sudden onset headache that feels like you have been whacked on the head with a cricket bat, get yourself to hospital PDQ  ;)
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 22, 2018, 13:53
Eyelid shaving? John, what on earth have you been reading??? MOS, that's what I tend to do now. Listen to the news and try the daily and weekend Graudian cryptic crosswords until I can stir myself to clean and tidy, use the Dyson and pop the dishwasher and washing machine on, and whatever I feel like doing. Some days I do quite a lot and others I just don't feel like it so I don't. Am I being idle? Possibly, but only when I remember what I used to do when working full-time and the odd Saturday morning. Maybe I'm a bit wiser now because I could have gone out with some friends instead of telling them I was too busy gardening and decorating.  ???
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: jaydig on May 22, 2018, 15:54
I'm very grateful to have reached the age when I have wrinkles, although I'm not quite as grateful for the aches and pains.  I always try to remember that not only do many people have a lot worse to contend with, but that a lot of people never reach the age of wrinkles and aches.
The dust in your house doesn't appear to be any worse after about six weeks, unless, of course, someone puts their finger in it, and if you dust today, then die in the night, the dust will be just as bad tomorrow.
If you've every said "one day, I'm going to .................", then make today your "one day" because for some people it never comes.
I used to do housework every single day, but now I do it as and when I want, or not, as the case may be.  If there's something more interesting to do then I do that instead. I learned from my mother who, if my dad asked her to go for a walk, or a picnic, or whatever, always said she had housework to do.  My dad died when he was thirty nine, and I often think about the time wasted doing housework when they could have been together.  My motto is now "Do what makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone else".
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: John on May 22, 2018, 22:48
Eyelid shaving? John, what on earth have you been reading???
It was something on Radio 4 about girls having plastic surgery on their eyes so they looked bigger. Oddly enough I had a cat who had a similar operation (for medical reasons, not cosmetic)
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Aidy on May 23, 2018, 13:26
Ended up at walk n centre last night with this knee, its not getting any better, in fact if I sit for 5 mins and try to get up and straighten it the pan level ncreases somewhat.
After a little exam they think what I was thnking, damaged MCl, poss damage Patella, need now to be referred by the gp for a MRI to be sure and what extent the damage is.
However (now I have calmed down) the gp practice said there was no notes as yet on my record from the visit and they need to wait for that, this could take upto the 29th! I cannot book an appointment  in advance I have to wait for them to contact me (not what was said last night) then it could be upto 2 weeks for a date for the scan and a further 2 weeks for the results!
I love the NHS, its the best thing since sliced bread but do wonder if the world is a better place with private medical insurance (something I will look into I think now I am of that age).
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 23, 2018, 13:36
Nay, what will they think of next?? As for wrinkles, I know someone who always wears polo-neck jumpers in winter and whenever she can because of the lines on her neck. Vanity. Vanity. All is vanity! Life is so superficial now that being content with your lot has gone out of the window. That's not to say one can't make improvements but not at the cost of losing what life is really all about. We've all heard of some children who have spent most of their little lives in hospital and endured things that even adults wouldn't wish to go through. Some have won their battle and some haven't. People well over ninety who go out and help others in whatever way they can, and others who never think of themselves, it's always about someone else. I bet they're a jolly sight more happier and content than the Mee-mees! BTW, I think the op you mentioned is called blepharoplasty which is done when eyelashes grow inwards towards the eyeball and is not a nice thing to experience.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 23, 2018, 13:55
Aidy. I mentioned in another post that NHS communication has gone down the pan especially on the Admin side. I suggest you keep contacting them to get an up-date (don't forget to jot down their names for future reference) and really push them to get it sorted. Aches and pains are enough to contend with and you really don't need anything else to prevent you enjoying life. If you can afford to go private or take out private medical insurance then go for it. I chose to go to a private ocular consultant to have my cataracts removed (one done, one to go) who did the op at the Fylde and Wyre hospital, and am very glad I did because both eyes need specialised treatment. It didn't cost as much as I thought and the service from start to finish was absolutely excellent. Keep in touch and let us know how you go.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 23, 2018, 14:49
Ended up at walk n centre last night with this knee, its not getting any better, in fact if I sit for 5 mins and try to get up and straighten it the pan level ncreases somewhat.
After a little exam they think what I was thnking, damaged MCl, poss damage Patella, need now to be referred by the gp for a MRI to be sure and what extent the damage is.
However (now I have calmed down) the gp practice said there was no notes as yet on my record from the visit and they need to wait for that, this could take upto the 29th! I cannot book an appointment  in advance I have to wait for them to contact me (not what was said last night) then it could be upto 2 weeks for a date for the scan and a further 2 weeks for the results!
I love the NHS, its the best thing since sliced bread but do wonder if the world is a better place with private medical insurance (something I will look into I think now I am of that age).
Commiserations and good luck with getting it sorted, Aidy. Private healthcare is fantastic, I had it all the time I was at work but the cost, once I was at retirement age - was horrendous  :ohmy:
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: madcat on May 23, 2018, 16:37
Taking it from the other side - I turned my ankle badly at the end of 2016, thought it was just a bad sprain, gritted my teeth, did the RICE thing and it got mostly better, albeit slowly.  But it is still sore and now my knee is giving trouble.  I'm starting to wonder if I did something more drastic and the compensating is what has done for my knee.  So - finally - I took my courage in both hands on Friday afternoon and called the GP.  Asked for an appointment the following week, any doc any surgery, and got one in my home village for 11am on Monday.  Could have knocked me down with a feather.  Only 10mins late in and out with the instruction to go to Xray at the hospital in town for a knee and ankle xray.  Could I go along this pm?  Yeh soon as you like ... So I got there (I was heading in to the supermarket anyway) about 1.30 as they got back from lunch and half an hour later I was done. Wow.  Now I have to wait a week for the results to get back to the GP ...
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: John on May 23, 2018, 20:53
Aidy - great doctors, nurses and ancillary staff - hemmed in by a system that values paper results above real. Private healthcare... well my opinion is that the private sector is more efficient and generally offers good results. But if things pickle, it's the NHS who save the patient.
If you can cherry pick the easy then being more cost efficient is easy.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Growster... on May 24, 2018, 04:54
Ended up at walk n centre last night with this knee, its not getting any better, in fact if I sit for 5 mins and try to get up and straighten it the pan level ncreases somewhat.
After a little exam they think what I was thnking, damaged MCl, poss damage Patella, need now to be referred by the gp for a MRI to be sure and what extent the damage is.
However (now I have calmed down) the gp practice said there was no notes as yet on my record from the visit and they need to wait for that, this could take upto the 29th! I cannot book an appointment  in advance I have to wait for them to contact me (not what was said last night) then it could be upto 2 weeks for a date for the scan and a further 2 weeks for the results!
I love the NHS, its the best thing since sliced bread but do wonder if the world is a better place with private medical insurance (something I will look into I think now I am of that age).
Commiserations and good luck with getting it sorted, Aidy. Private healthcare is fantastic, I had it all the time I was at work but the cost, once I was at retirement age - was horrendous  :ohmy:

Benenden's still quite reasonable, Mum. About a tenner a head a month, and the wheezes are to get referred via the NHS, then pay nothing, or very little.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 25, 2018, 13:41
Well noted Growster. When my GP told me I needed a hip replacement I assumed it would be at Lancaster Infirmary but she arranged for me to go to our local BMI Nuffield private hospital. I was rather taken aback but it seems that some NHS ops are done in private hospitals and I got a leaflet when I was there but can't just find it but it's well worth checking to see if you qualify. Here's a couple of links:
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 25, 2018, 13:54
Benenden's still quite reasonable, Mum. About a tenner a head a month, and the wheezes are to get referred via the NHS, then pay nothing, or very little.
Yes, it is - BUT it doesn't cover
Surgery for arterial, cardiac, neurological or complex orthopaedic problems ..... [However, The Benenden Hospital Trust offers a preferential rate to members who opt to have their hip or knee replacement surgery on a self-pay basis at Benenden Hospital in Kent. This discount is not available at other Benenden Approved Hospitals.]

So it doesn't cover most of the things you're likely to suffer from as your body wears out *wry smile*

I know simply because one of my friends is a fundraiser for Benenden's Charitable Trust and looked into it for me a while ago  ::)
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: oldgrunge on May 25, 2018, 17:23
Well said, GG. That's all so absolutely true.
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Growster... on May 25, 2018, 18:32
Thanks Mum and Goosers!

There's a lot to read on their bumf, I'm looking at minor stuff like Dupuytrens and things like that at the moment...

Little finger is now at right angles, but both paw palms were done several years ago!
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 26, 2018, 14:01
MOS - Benenden's is different from the BMI hospitals as it's a private hospital in Kent whereas BMI is a collection of private hospitals across the country. Here's the link:
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: mumofstig on May 26, 2018, 14:18
I know, but Growster and I were specifically talking about Benenden Health Insurance cover, and with that you get reduced price hip/knee operations at their Hospital in Kent  ;)

Locally because of the long waiting list at our NHS hospital you can choose from several private hospitals in Kent. However the one I'm familiar with - I had several ops there while I had private health cover though work - has nearly as long a waiting list as the NHS (and it also has the best reviews, surely no coincidence?  :lol: )
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Growster... on May 26, 2018, 20:47
Benenden is a bit of a quandary here - we get referred there sometimes, and it's rather like a dream compared with the other great places of health...

I hate being ill, and prefer to laugh it all off, but if my leg's falling off, I suppose I'll have to do something about it, like getting a Black and Decker stitiching machine...
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Goosegirl on May 27, 2018, 13:02
Sorry MOS, didn't realise that - der! Growster - I know what you mean about NHS hospitals (or some of them) as many are still in their original old buildings like ours, and despite the add-on extensions all over the place, there is still that atmosphere of pungent gloom. The only exception that I know of around here is when our NHS hospital created a lovely new oncology unit from what used to be the old private ward that replaced what I could only describe as the most shed-awful, dingy, old yellow paint-peeling and very cramped "corridor" that made you feel sick before you'd even had your chemo. I had two or three treatments there until they opened the new unit and the difference to how it made me feel was staggering! My OH was saying that rather than continually paying over the years into a medical insurance plan, it may be better to put the money into something else that will not only accrue a bit of interest but also something where you can access your cash should the occasion arise. I know interest rates are rubbish at the moment but over the long-term things might change. PS - Growster, if you need anything stitched back on don't get a Black and Decker; better to get a Bosch, Stihl, or you could even let Mrs G get her old Singer sewing machine out, oil all the important places, and to choose the thread colour and type of desired stitching pattern. May I suggest either herring-bone or, if you want to look thinner, perhaps a neat tuck?
Title: Re: 6weeks
Post by: Growster... on May 27, 2018, 20:34
Aaaaw Goosey, you've been on the giving and helping and also the receiving end, as we've chatted so much before...

Benenden used to be known as the Chest Hospital here, because it originally dealt with TB cases and probably gas nasties and the like from the WW1. It's a huge development still being rebuilt, but it's so different from Pembury, which cost zillions, but as usual, has gorgeous staff, but you need satnav...

We know several nurses at Benenden, and they've even had their own problems, but we're just so lucky having their place nearby.

Any'ow, I finished the blasted hedges today, and am enjoying a tincture with Mrs Growster while the weather is quiet - unlike last night, when the whole sky lit up for over 45 minutes!