Chatting > Equipment Shed

Cordless tiller


I feel uncomfortable using my petrol tiller in the polytunnel, even with the doors open. Can anyone recommend a LI-ion battery powered one?

Digger the Dog:
If it's the fumes that you dislike / can't stand etc, then try using Aspen Fuel: 4T is for 4 strokes and 2T is for 2 stroke engines.
We run all our chainsaws and Brush cutters on 2T. It already has the oil -fuel mix made up and works out a 50-1. We have never had any problems with the Brush Cutters and they demand a 25-1 mix.
Our Generators and water pumps are run on 4T
The other great thing is that the fuel does not go "stale" in the fuel tank nor does it leave a "varnish" like gum in the carburettors so the machine starts when you next go to use it.
The other good thing is that none of us gets a headache from the fumes which is more than can be said for regular garage unleaded petrol

It's not that I can't stand the fumes, it's that I don't was to be poisoned by the carbon monoxide that any petrol engine emits

Digger the Dog:

--- Quote from: AlaninCarlisle on February 21, 2018, 20:01 ---It's not that I can't stand the fumes, it's that I don't was to be poisoned by the carbon monoxide that any petrol engine emits

--- End quote ---

Fair comment


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