Poultry and Pets > Chicken Chat

Chickens and ducks


Hi all

Have recently got 6 ducks to go with my 14 chickens. Have split the run in half and the ducks have their own coop to retire to at night.

My question is would I be able to leave the dividing gate open during the day to let them mix and roam about together?
Also are they fine with eating layers pellets. I was told they were when I got them

Cheers Alex

They will mix but ducks should have a "pond" to swim in whereas chickens can drown. They will eat pellets but are ground feeder rather than peck at them. Any ground will become muddy which is not good for chickens.
Make sure that no four legged creatures can get.

Yeah no four legged friends can get in I have made sure of that. Thanks for your time to reply

My chickens and ducks are all in together, we use a paddling pool as a pond so not deep enough for a normal chicken to drown in.  They are in a big enclosed run attached to a smaller covered run which leads to a shed so plenty of dry space available.  The ducks do make things wet but I regularly (remove some, then) add woodchip.  The chickens also have some perches to roost on/get away from ducks.  They all seem to get along

My friend spent ages dividing her run to separate ducks, geese and chickens - then spent ages putting determined individuals back into the right section.......

She has given up now and they all live together with a couple of paddling pools and various different types of feeders and houses.  The birds all seem to manage fine!


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